6 foods that help fight migraine

Most people prone to migraines are aware that certain foods can trigger a migraine attack. While it is important to know what foods to avoid, it is equally important to know which foods help in migraine relief. Although some lifestyle changes may help, it is important to incorporate healthy foods into your nutrition regime as well. If you are looking for ways that help manage migraines, here are some foods that may alleviate an attack. Carrot Studies have shown that there is a strong association between dehydration and migraine. Since carrots contain a good amount of water, it may be a great idea to include them in your meals. They are also rich in beta-carotene and contain anti-inflammatory properties. Banana Bananas are rich in magnesium, a mineral commonly associated with migraine management. It also improves palate function and helps in blocking pain-transmitting chemicals, like substance P and glutamate, from reaching the brain. Intake of oral magnesium prevents menstrually related migraine, according to American Migraine Foundation. Dark chocolate Dark chocolate with at least 70 percent cocoa is one of the richest sources of magnesium. It helps you get a good night’s sleep and relaxes the body. However, some people with migraine may find chocolate to be a trigger.