These 10 warning signs of pneumonia should not be ignored

Pneumonia is a common and potentially serious respiratory infection affecting millions worldwide each year. It is typically caused by a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection that inflames one’s lungs. It can strike anyone, from infants to seniors, and its symptoms can vary in severity, depending on one’s condition. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of pneumonia is crucial for early diagnosis and proper treatment. Here are some key indicators of pneumonia that warrant immediate expert attention. What is pneumonia? Pneumonia is a type of infection wherein the air sacs in one’s lungs get swollen or filled with pus or other fluids. This inflammation can make it difficult for the affected person to breathe and lead to potentially life-threatening complications. What are the common signs of pneumonia? Cough One of the earliest signs of pneumonia is a persistent cough. This cough can produce green, yellow, or even bloody mucus. It may start as a mild irritation and worsen over time. Fever An increase in body temperature is another common sign of the body’s defense response to the infection. This high fever can even reach up to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Chills and sweating People with pneumonia often experience chills and excessive sweating, particularly during fever spikes.