10 foods that are toxic for dogs

Certain foods that are safe and healthy for humans can be severely toxic for dogs. Understanding what these foods are can not only help one manage what they feed their dog better but also create a more dog-friendly home. Here’s a list of eight foods that one should keep away from a dog. Avocado The leaves and fruits of the avocado plant are harmful to dogs. This is because avocados contain persin, a chemical that is completely safe for humans but very toxic for dogs. If eaten, even a small quantity can cause difficulty in breathing and fluid accumulation in their organs, which can lead to death. Chocolate All types of chocolates are harmful to dogs, but dark chocolate and unsweetened baking chocolate are the worst of the lot. They contain an element called theobromine which can cause severe problems like diarrhea, seizures, and even death in dogs. Always keep chocolates out of a dog’s reach to prevent this from happening. Cooked fat and bones Although it may seem perfectly normal to give a dog a bone, don’t do it. Dogs find it difficult to digest cooked bones. Moreover, it may also splinter or act as a choking hazard to them.