Foods for a healthy kidney and liver

Healthy kidneys and liver are absolutely essential for a long and fit life. Among themselves, the two organs perform and oversee innumerable functions. The brain, spinal cord, and the heart are all dependent on the kidney and liver, underlining its importance to the human body. Therefore, their normal functioning is crucial and can be easily addressed by making healthy dietary choices. Read on to know more about foods you can add to your diet to improve the condition of your kidney and liver. Foods essential for healthy kidneys Kale Arguably one of the healthiest vegetables, kales are replete with antioxidants and also have anti-inflammatory properties. It is also a good source of Vitamins A and C and has large amounts of iron. They’re highly recommended to patients with kidney and cardiovascular conditions. Cauliflower Like Kale, Cauliflower too is rich in Vitamin C. It’s packed with folate, antioxidants, and compounds that promote healthy functioning of the kidneys. Additionally, cauliflower is low in sodium and potassium, which helps maintain the fluid levels in the body. Its low protein and high fiber content help in detoxifying the kidneys. Apple No wonder! Famed for its infinite benefits to the human body, apples are known to be great for the proper functioning of kidneys.