What does your auto insurance policy cover

Auto insurance is mandatory in most states for anyone who plans to drive a rental or buy a vehicle. It is an investment that protects the driver from unforeseen liabilities that may arise due to accidents. The insurance covers the cost of damages done to the vehicle and pays for injuries sustained by the parties involved in the accident. Some insurance companies also provide cover for legal costs and fees in case the aggrieved party decides to press charges. You can browse and easily purchase auto insurance online. But before you do so, take a quick look at what an auto insurance covers. Coverage for liability Liability is an unforeseen event, an obligation in this case that arises when there has been an accident. You are liable to cover and pay for damages to the vehicle and any involved property. All insurance policies cover basic liability. In addition to this, it states the financial cost that you must bear in case the aggrieved party suffers injuries. Note that this coverage is not available for the policyholder and covers only the cost incurred by the third party. The property damage clause further specifies what all is covered for damage to the vehicle involved in the accident and the surrounding property.