6 essential nutrients and their importance

6 essential nutrients and their importance

Right from childhood, one is always advised to eat healthy meals. Terms like “balanced meals” and “essential nutrients” are common whenever there’s a conversation about eating healthily. But what exactly are these essential nutrients? There are six basic essential nutrients that the body needs to function properly. These nutrients are present in certain foods that one must eat to stay fit. Let’s understand what these six essential nutrients are and why the body needs them.

Carbohydrates, which people fondly refer to as “carbs,” are the fuel for the body as they give it its much-needed energy. They are also categorized into two types – simple carbs and complex carbs. Simple carbohydrates are the ones that are present in white rice, pasta, sugar, etc. It is important to limit their intake for healthy living and, instead, add more complex carbs to one’s daily meals. Complex carbs are present in foods like quinoa, brown rice, vegetables, etc. Along with providing energy, complex carbs also support the body’s immune system, nervous system, and digestive functions.

Protein is quite popular among fitness enthusiasts as it helps the body in building muscles. But along with that, the body needs protein for various other reasons. It helps the body in the development of skin, hair, nails, and bones. Further, it plays a crucial role in making hormones, enzymes, and antibodies. This essential macronutrient is present in several food items, such as red meats, poultry, eggs, seafood, beans and legumes, soy, nuts, and dairy products.

Despite being among the main essential nutrients, fats are known to have a bad rap. This is because a lot of people are unaware of healthy fats, which the body needs for numerous functions. For instance, fats help the body in the absorption of vitamins and minerals, blood clotting, cell growth, muscle movement, balancing blood sugar, and much more. These healthy fats include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and are mainly found in nuts, fish, vegetable oils, and seeds.

There are a total of 13 different vitamins that the body needs. Each vitamin is required by the body for different but important reasons. Vitamins help the body enhance the immune system, strengthen teeth and bones, metabolize protein and carbs, improve brain functioning, and lower the risk of cancer, among other things. Different vitamins have different food sources. However, having a meal that contains different vegetables, fruits, and a source of lean protein can provide one with all the essential vitamins.

Like vitamins, there are multiple different minerals that the body needs for proper functioning. Some of these include iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and iodine. All the essential minerals help the body in several ways, such as strengthening bones and teeth, helping in blood clotting, carrying oxygen, enhancing the immune system, and balancing water levels. Most nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, and dried fruits are rich in essential minerals.

It is no secret that water is crucial for one’s survival. But here is how it helps the body exactly – it transports nutrients throughout the body, flushes out toxins, keeps the body hydrated for smooth functioning, and helps in shock absorption.