6 breathing mistakes to avoid for healthy lungs

6 breathing mistakes to avoid for healthy lungs

Respiration is among the essential processes the body carries out without one realizing it. Here, the inhaled air fuels the body with oxygen, which travels through the bloodstream and is transferred to various organs and tissues to carry out basic functions. Normal respiration rates for adults are about 12 to 18 breaths per minute, but the following breathing mistakes might affect this rate and the overall functioning of the lungs.

Breathing through the mouth
There are two ways to inhale air: through the mouth and the nose. Breathing through the mouth could come in handy if one is experiencing sinus congestion or indulging in strenuous physical activity. However, only the nostrils can filter, warm up, and humidify the air. So, as a rule, one should avoid mouth breathing if possible, as it can increase the risk of dry mouth and conditions like asthma.

Not exercising
One may lead a sedentary lifestyle, which could affect the quality of their lungs. By indulging in routines like cycling, walking, or running, one can ensure their heart and lungs work well, which could contribute to improved circulation. Exercising may also help strengthen the tissues around the lungs. At the same time, one should avoid keeping their shoulder and neck tense while exercising as it could limit the efficiency of their respiratory system. When working out, one can breathe in through their nose and out through their mouth for better respiration.

Adopting an incorrect posture
When one constantly bends their body, they apply pressure on vital organs like the lungs. The phenomenon results in compression of the chest cavity and a limited range of motion available for the diaphragm and the muscles inside the rib cage. It may result in taking shallow breaths instead of slow, deep breaths that fill the lungs. So one should maintain an upright posture to maintain a regular breathing pattern.

Overthinking it
One may tend to overthink breathing from time to time and begin holding their breath longer or focusing on the process too much. But, this is one of the common breathing mistakes to avoid for healthy lungs. Breathing is a natural process, and thinking about it too much could lead to hyperventilating and shortness of breath.

Sucking in the belly
One may regularly suck in their bellies while breathing; however, this may limit the diaphragmatic range of motion, which could hamper the ability to breathe properly. One should relax their abdomen to allow the rib cage and belly to expand appropriately. This also ensures that the body gets the amount of oxygen it requires.

Breathing in pollutants
One can only do so much to avoid the pollution outdoors. However, not maintaining the air quality inside homes could make things worse. Breathing in polluted air regularly could irritate the airways and reduce the efficiency of transporting oxygen. One of the best ways to reduce air pollution indoors is to keep the space clean and well-ventilated. Installing an air purifier can also help improve the quality of air.